Spiritual Teachings
Why “Go In”? and Why Now?
Never before has it been so important for each and every one of us to accept the challenge to turn our eye inward and do the deep inner work of evolving our own awareness to a more expanded space that is more loving, more inclusive and wiser.
We are at a cross-roads of choice. Either we stay externally, superficially focused, or we deepen our lives to become meaningful, interconnected and mutually beneficial to all life forms on our planet and each other. For those of you that have already chosen, want to choose, desire growth, and have a willingness to be a change agent on our planet, I offer these teachings as a tool to facilitate your own inner contemplation and growth in consciousness.
If we want to live powerfully, we must drop our notions of weakness.
If we want to live in beauty, we must let go of what is not beautiful from our minds.
If we want to live in truth, we must question every belief to which we cling
and write our own creeds.
To know and experience union, we have to integrate our learned dualities
and lean into the essence of everything around us.
There is not the sacred and the profane, the earthly and the heavenly,
the sinners and the saved.
There is only God, infusing and infused into everything.
These bodies of ours, these are our souls’ sacred vessels,
the instruments through which the Great Beloved sings, laughs,
labors and loves.
We are the “Yes” through which God sees, the mind through which
God ponders,
the hands through which God touches.
As we dwell as cells in the body of God,
God dwells in us as our vital force pushing outward, awaiting release,
prompting communion, awareness and joy.
To love ourselves is an act of faith,
a sacrament of acknowledgment, a gesture of solidarity
with the holy one within.
It is the first and most important step, for we can only love others as
we love ourselves.
No matter what you were ever told about loving yourself,
remember now that your body is the materialization of divine energy.
Love it extravagantly, cherish it, adore its mystical workings and
miraculous potential.
Look beyond the surface as you peer into your mirror,
and thank the one within for this chance to be alive,
to be of use, and to be a co-creator of this magnificent experience
called life.
© Lyndall Johnson
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Out of Africa Series
“Make nature your best teacher. With great love, learn from her the lessons of life.”
~ Debasish Mridha
Psycho-Spiritual Practices
“Every human life contains a potential. If that potential is not fulfilled, that life was wasted.”
~C.G. Jung
Compassion and Wisdom
“When we are motivated by compassion and wisdom, the results of our actions benefit everyone, not just our individual selves or some immediate convenience. When we are able to recognize and forgive ignorant actions of the past, we gain strength to constructively solve the problems of the present.”
~Dalai Lama
Evolution of Consciousness
"This present moment, since it knows neither past nor future, is itself timeless, and that which is timeless is Eternal. Thus “the eternal life belongs to those who live in the present."
~Ken Wilber
Midwifing Death
“I placed one foot on the wide plain
of death, and some grand
immensity sounded on the emptiness.
I have felt nothing ever
like the wild wonder of that moment.”