Online Courses

The highest possible recommendation for Lyndall & Charisse’s workshops & classes, whether online or in person. The material and work combines the highest spiritual truths with the most down-to-earth, practical and relational practices and offers participants an invaluable chance to actually change in this life at the most fundamental level. Fascinating, challenging, joyous, deep, and sacred. Do not miss.
— Bussho Lahn

Reparenting II - Attachment and Boundaries'

Following on from our first foundational Re-Parenting Class, we are going to be expanding our understanding of how the attachment styles lead to poor boundaries - either too rigid, too abusive, too porous, or none at all - and all the combinations in-between. We will examine how the original parenting was internalized and becomes our internal style of relating to ourselves, that is then projected into our relationships with others.

The Evolution of Consciousness

“The Evolution of Consciousness workshop is a multi-layered but accessible introduction to a crucially important model for understanding ourselves and our place in creation. Following the evolutionary arc of life, we see how our development as individuals and as a species are intertwined, and how crucial our own personal inner work is to the future of our planet. Lyndall and Charisee balance and complement each other's teaching voices harmoniously and the combination is powerfully effective at bringing all parts of ourselves into awareness. I honestly can't recommend this offering highly enough. 5 stars!”  ~participant BL

Robben Island

Inner Truth, Reconciliation and Forgiveness - An Online Course

Please follow the link below to access this on-line course that covers the process of inner reconciliation and forgiveness.

"The Truth, Reconciliation and Forgiveness course was immensely helpful to me because it helped me see what I can do about the judgment and hatred in the world. I feel more hope in the midst of a planet at war with itself everywhere I look. And this hope comes from learning how to heal these things IN MYSELF. I am deeply grateful for this class.” ~Catherine Wilson

“The series Truth & Reconciliation was a very profound class for me. Learning to look at all aspects of my existence—the good, the bad and the ugly—teaches me the importance of “dying” to the beliefs I heard as a child that are damaging to my psyche. Learning the importance to embrace my wounded child within to heal and reconcile the negative beliefs, in order to authentically love myself and others is crucial. This is a freedom that I have yearned for all my life.” ~Sandi

“The Aslan coursework is always thorough, in-depth, and user-friendly enough to meet you wherever you are on your journey. The teachings are solid and challenging, and the inner work participants are invited into is the real treasure. We can see, in our own minds, hearts, and lives, how psycho-spiritual endeavor is more than just intellectually engaging; it's actually transformative and life-changing. Highest possible recommendation!” ~Bussho

“This course helped me to more easily acknowledge and believe the truth of the suffering I've experienced in my life with less judgment and added shame. The teachings from Lyndall and Charisse were guideposts that led to self-forgiveness related to the internalized messages I've kept repeating and believing, allowing me to find new pathways for my response when I'm triggered by life's irritations”. ~Karen


Aging, Illness, and Dying with Joy, Dignity, and Grace - An Online Course

Please follow the link below to access the Aging, Illness, and Dying with Joy, Dignity, and Grace Online Course.


The Call of the Mountains - Online Course

This on-line course will hopefully take you into the inner realms of the the mountain archetype. We will be exploring what it means to have Peak Experiences, which, of necessity, means speaking about valley experiences too. These teachings are available to you as well as 6 1/2 hour consultations on the material.

"The Call of the Mountains class created a rich and meaningful container for deepening my understanding of my inner and outer worlds, and the difficulties on my journey. As in every class she teaches, Lyndall led us all through a process which allowed me to find more compassion for the pain in myself and in others, and to further my healing.” ~CW

"Whether it’s a gentle nudge from the soul, or an urgent call to act, this course will take you through the ribbon of life to unveil thought patterns and behaviors that no longer serve you.  The archetype of the mountain serves as the perfect backdrop for introspective work that will open your heart and life to come alive like never before.  I have been privileged to journey with kindred spirits on this deep path towards wholeness and healing.  Never doubt the wisdom of the soul."

"Working with the Archetype of the Mountain is deep soul work.  Whatever interpersonal work you have done in the past will be integrated in this course — which will take you deeper into greater insights and transformation than you can imagine.  Trust the wisdom of the soul as you hike the valleys, crevices, hills and peaks of the Mountains - and find your true longing revealed.”

“The Call of the Mountains course was nothing short of an outpouring: Lyndall teaches with clear-minded and heart-centered passion. The material is well-organized, follows an understandable progression, and consistently draws from wisdom sources from across the globe. More importantly, both the live and written teachings urge the class participant to not just understand on an intellectual level but to accept the invitation for true personal transformation.  I would highly recommend this course for anyone hoping to grow in their self-awareness, authenticity, and compassion for self and others.” ~ML 

Thank you for offering and teaching this course. It has helped me to become more aware of many aspects of the mountain that are all within me - the angry lava, the strong rock, the mercurial stream, the growing trees and vegetation, and the sunlight that shifts and brings what was once in shadow in the open.

I appreciated your teaching on volcanoes, especially hearing that working with anger takes a lot of time. It is helpful to know that discovering what is underneath my anger and rage is more along the lines of an archeological dig than planting a garden in terms of length of time.

Here’s something I wrote about volcanoes:

Fiery, heat, ready to explode

Anger, fear, rage hidden, not moving,

desiring to be known

Rumbling, percolating, seeking the surface

Shouting, screaming, running from the destruction

Stopping, watching, listening to the shards of glass 

until it meets the stream, cooling and hissing,

ready to create new life ~KL


Re-Parenting - Online Course

The way in which we were parented was internalized as children, and is now the same relationship that we, as adults, have with our own younger selves. To the extent that our developmental needs as children were not met through abuse, neglect, repression, shame, dysfunction, judgement and criticism, is the extent to which we now do the same thing to ourselves. Until this inner relationship changes through awareness, we will live in the effects of the abuse, neglect, repression, shame, dysfunction and judgment that we now heap upon ourselves.


Lenten Series - Online Course - Starting February 17th

“Giving - Up” something for Lent is not an act of will power over our defenses (vices) but rather a recognition (repentance) that they are there. Recognizing and accepting is the first step. Investigation into why they are there, is the second step. The answer, if we investigate deeply, is always, that our defense (vices) were a very protective way of the young soul trying to not being destroyed by internal false ideas of external threat meaning they are to blame and worthless, have lost their intrinsic value and so are sinful, bad and evil, unlovable and flawed. To not have one’s needs for value met as a child, results in the immature cognition of the child to believe,, “I am bad,” (add your own words) in one way or another, and not only am I bad, but I caused the external threat or neglect of my needs being met. This all happens in an immature, unaware way. This is a “fallen state” into sin (separation from God).


“Anyone who wants to awaken to and apply these Lenten readings into their daily lives, will find these teachings to be a source of engaging, insightful and inspirational resources from which to draw. My background, which was heavily influenced by Catholic teachings, stifled my understanding and inquisitiveness, and left me interpreting everything literally. This course, and it’s teachings, has broken open those issues and has given me day to day, practical spiritual practices to engage with in a very personal way. Lyndall and Charisse have helped me see and connect with the depth and breadth of reality, through their own lived examples and gained wisdom. This class has given me a fuller picture of the meaning and value of suffering, that can ultimately lead to joy and to a new way of being, and encouraged me to step into my experience of life fully.” ~M.S.


Facing Shame - Online Course - Starting April 2nd 2021

Shame is the fundamental base experience of being human in form. Our entire physical life is a journey of self discovery of who we are essentially, not fundamentally, which is the state of Being of Infinite Love and Truth having a physical experience of Life in Form. That is, Life informed by Spirit. As Teilhard de Chardin said, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Our work is to realize ourselves as this spiritual being having a human experience and the way to doing this is to face and embrace our inner experience of shame.


"The highest possible recommendation for Lyndall & Charisse's workshops & classes, whether online or in person.

The material and work combines the highest spiritual truths with the most down-to-earth, practical and relational practices and offers participants an invaluable chance to actually change in this life at the most fundamental level. Fascinating, challenging, joyous, deep, and sacred. Do not miss." ~Bussho Lahn - Zen priest and author