The Call of the Mountains

An Online Learning Course

“We are now in the mountains and they are in us, kindling enthusiasm, making every nerve quiver, filling every pore and cell of us.”

~John Muir

It is a deep sadness to me that I cannot share some of the most beautiful mountains in the world with pilgrims this year, due to the Corona virus.

However, the learning goes on, because, of course, we can find the mountain and the experience of the mountain within ourselves through our imagination and experiences, without it being mirrored by an actual experience out there.


You can sign up for individual study at your own pace which includes 6 half hour consultations by zoom or wait for the next on-line course with a cohort of fellow students in which case you get 3 half hour consultations and 3 on-line classes

Sign Up Below.

This on-line course will hopefully take you into the inner realms of the the mountain archetype. We will be exploring what it means to have Peak Experiences, which, of necessity, means speaking about valley experiences too. We will travel a lot of ground internally on this quest. I will be adding teachings and exercises every week for the next six months and you have 6 1/2 hours of opportunities for one-on-one consultation related to the material during these six months.

You will get information for group sharing on your reading and inner exploration by e-mail. If you have any questions about the series please email me at:

Press the button below if you’ve already signed up for the course.

What others say…

“This 6 month course, Call of the Mountains, taught by Lyndall Johnson was an amazing climb into insight and love. I am grateful I took the time to do this course and highly recommend it. Lyndall encourages one to bravely venture inward, to glean what is there with love and compassion and to grow, grow, grow!”   ~Bonnie Resnick

If you haven’t signed up for the course yet, but would like to…. you can purchase your spot below.

Call of the Mountains Course