Testimonials for Pilgrimages

Africa 2023

Pilgrimages with Lyndall and Charisse help you to experience the places you are visiting in a deeper and more meaningful way than a typical vacation would. You get the opportunity to learn how the group of pilgrims you are traveling with, the local people you meet, and activities you do expand your own awareness of who you truly are. Being away from your typical day-to-day life allows you to grow in a way that wouldn't be possible otherwise. Say yes to the opportunity whenever you can! ~KL

The pilgrimage experiences offered by Aslan Institute are utterly unique experiences as well as being precious opportunities for genuine spiritual work. In the midst of amazing locations we do deep and life-changing inner work that directly influences how we live, how we think, and how we relate to ourselves and others. Compassion and wisdom are easy words to throw around, but are extraordinarily rare qualities to actually experience, and these pilgrimages offer us an abundance of both. Highest possible recommendation! ~BL

Spain 2018

It’s difficult to isolate the one most meaningful experience or insight from thispilgrimage because, for me, it was an integration of the elements, which knitted a fabric that held us in a safe and supportive space for personal challenge anrowt Beginning each day with Kundalini yoga got my energy flowing. Daily teaching and meditation was a pause for reflection. Personal time with Lyndall and Charisse mined my deeper self. Group processing created profound connections with others, which encouraged deep sharing in a space where I knew that I was far from alone and would not be judged. All set in a sacred location, a convent in an old walled city far from the noise of the world … I came face-to-face with my Soul, a relationship that I now better understand and can no longer abandon. That connection will sustain me through lifelong personal growth.

Carol W.

England 2019

The England Pilgrimage was my first experience traveling with Aslan Institute, and it far surpassed my expectations. The educational readings and discussions offered throughout the months ahead, provided excellent preparation. The planning was thoughtfully organized with special destinations tied to our study, as well as independent options for our time. Accommodations were at retreat centers where gathering space for group discussions was offered, and fine food was freshly prepared and served buffet style. Our rooms were clean and comfortable, and the staff at both locations were friendly and accommodating. I felt safe, and professionally in great hands. I traveled with a group of 24, none of which I knew very well, or at all, but I always felt I was with family. If you’re looking to travel inwardly, as well as experience some place new in the world, I highly recommend an Aslan Pilgrimage for yourself. 

Georgann H