Re-Parenting: An Inside Job

An Online Learning Course

“After a while the middle-aged person who lives in her head begins to talk to her soul, the kid.” 
Anne Lamott, Joe Jones

The way in which we were parented was internalized as children, and is now the same relationship that we, as adults, have with our own younger selves. To the extent that our developmental needs as children were not met through abuse, neglect, repression, shame, dysfunction, judgement and criticism, is the extent to which we now do the same thing to ourselves. Until this inner relationship changes through awareness, we will live in the effects of the abuse, neglect, repression, shame, dysfunction and judgment that we now heap upon ourselves.


”The Reparenting class was a very deep and helpful experience – providing many new lenses for understanding my past and for unraveling the tangles of the present. A powerful and profoundly healing class which gave me tools I will use for the rest of my life.” ~CW


“I spent a significant portion of my life searching for love, for “the” one, where life would come together and provide a sense of “home”, of “arrival” of “belonging”. I have spent years derailing my life’s course, running on the hamster wheel in this pursuit, only to find that I was recycling the same childhood wounds repeatedly, only with a different person. Two thousand, four hundred years ago, Socrates stated: “Know thyself”. But what does this truly mean? How do you do this?

  In the Re-Parenting Course, Lyndall and Charisse masterfully and compassionately guide their participants to know within a very practical and accessible approach, what it is to “know thyself”.  I have found this journey to be life giving, as it led to my beloved; the one who has beckoned my recognition and love all these years. Myself. 

The Re-Parenting course is the gateway into the self, a deep dive into the multiple levels of belief systems established on the molecular level in utero, to early childhood development on into our adulthood. In this course we trace the “DNA” of untruths which often mislead and sabotage the authentic and true intentions and purpose of our lives.  What has taken me decades to unravel, came into sharp focus in this course in learning how to be in “Right Relationship” with myself. It is a lifelong commitment as in any true marriage, but the path has been forged. The value of this course has no measure or equal. I cannot recommend it more highly!” ~ Course Participant:  Christina Hughes 2020-21


The Re-Parenting class was so amazing. I learned a lot about where my feelings of shame and unworthiness come from. I have a better understanding of how to bring myself out of the spiral that those two feelings put me into. I know there was a lot of healing taking place during the class and I know it's continuing. The class allowed me to see more clearly what is mine and what is not and how my development was shaped by violence and abandonment. The most profound part of the class for me was writing the children's story. Applying what I learned in the class and from the other reading I was able to produce a story that will help me even further in my healing of past trauma.

Thank you so much for putting together such a wonder teaching. ~S


"The coordinates have never been so clear in my life map. My intuition, my feelings, my body are becoming a compass to me. Life suddenly becomes so exciting and liberating!

I’m so grateful for the opportunity to take this course!"


“This course should be mandatory in every school on the planet”! ~CH

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