Mystical Christianity

How to Read Sacred Texts

Whether you were raised in the Christian church, or within the dogma and doctrine of any of the other major spiritual traditions, you were probably indoctrinated with a fundamental understanding of the meaning of the spiritual texts and teachings. This is representative of the stage of development and state of consciousness of the interpreters of the teachings and represents the center of gravity for the stage of development of the culture. Many of you have felt you can no longer belong to the church of your upbringing and have searched elsewhere, only to find the same fundamental understanding in other religions as well. This is not to say that any of the teachings are wrong. They are all right, and saying much the same things in terms of the Evolution of Consciousness. However, until the teachings can be understood as the study of the internal intra-dynamics within ourselves, they will make no sense after you yourself, have passed a certain stage of development. I enclose here some guidelines for studying sacred texts. Because I was raised in an intergenerational lineage of Christianity, this is most deeply in my bones. However the principles apply to all sacred texts. For more…. read here


The Christmas Story

“I have seen the king with a face of Glory,

He who is the eye and the sun of heaven,

He who is the companion and healer of all beings,

He who is the soul and the universe that births souls.”

~ Rumi

There is no greater story in the world than the story of the annunciation, immaculate conception, and birth ofthe Christ and no story more applicable to the task of re-parenting ourselves. The same principles are inherent in the birth story of the Buddha and, clearly, Rumi, the great Sufi mystic understood the Christ story intimately in the mystical tradition of Islam, no where is the myth so beautifully portrayed as in the Christian myth. Everyone of us was immaculately conceived by the Spirit of God. At the moment of the cell of one sperm impregnating one ovum, the Holy Spirit descends and enlivens the very cells of the new little human being.

The Return of the Prodigal Son(1773) by Pompeo Batoni

The Return of the Prodigal Son(1773) by Pompeo Batoni

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

The Parable that the Christ told about the Prodigal Son is a mythic story of immense importance that outlines the entire process of a human being’s evolutionary journey from spirit to matter and back to spirit. It is an example of what Joseph Campbell called the Hero’s journey - the mythic spiritual journey from darkness to the enlightened state. 

The parable of the Prodigal Son outlines in simple form, the evolution of human consciousness and of Life in all of its different manifestations, states of consciousness and stages of development. While many stories and myths will give parts of the entire evolutionary path that a single life can take, this particular parable outlines the entire journey without all the details of the adventure. In it’s simplicity, the process cannot be mistaken nor can the reader be distracted by the numerous dramas and stories embedded in any individual life.

The light side of the Fool

The light side of the Fool

The Archetype of the Fool

“The Holy Fool is always considered a dummy by the smart, hip people who really know the score. There’s a mysterious blight on the land, nothing will grow, and no one knows how to break the spell. The Holy Fool sets out to find the cause, right the wrong, save the people. He’s told he can’t do it, that he’s too dumb, too ,weak, too something, hearing from all quarters, “That’s not how we do things here," and “You just don’t understand." But he goes ahead anyway.”  ~Ann Medlock

Do you have this inner voice of warning that was once protective, and is now self-perpetration (because it judges and inhibits you from living a full life) in your life? The voice that says, “be careful, you will make a fool of yourself,”  “you sound ridiculous,” “that is a dumb question, everyone is going to laugh at you, and judge you.” Consider what exactly your warning voice says to you. This is the voice that causes you to conform, dumb down, play it safe, and not question. This voice does not want you to be noticed, to stand out or, for you to rock the boat. This is the voice of conformity and the dark side of the fool – the one that conforms and then is the real fool, because life stops at what Rumi would call a “mean-spirited road house,” meaning the places of conformity, superficial pleasures and safety, fitting into to the status quo for acceptance by the masses.

Stations of the Cross Series

Fruits of the Spirit Series

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”

Seven Sacrements Series

The Green Man