Compassion Group Notes - February 2023

Self Limiting Beliefs

I, awareness, lend my reality to all seeming things, giving them their apparently independent existence, just as a screen lends its reality to an image, giving the image its own apparently independent existence.

~Rupert Spira

An immutable law of creation is duality. Creation is Unity expressing itself in myriad complex ways. You are one expression of that Unity and you have created yourself to be a unique expression based on all the choices you have made in duality. Throughout your life, based on experience, you have chosen to solidify an identity that is relative, not absolute. Unity is the Absolute Consciousness that you are that became more and more identified with qualifiers that you have chosen. Consider for a moment how you as Consciousness has become firmly convinced that you are the relative truths you have constructed throughout your life. Draw two columns on a piece of paper. One is headed “I am …..” and the other “I am not ……” Then look at the end of your column and see who you have decided to be. And YOU are the one who decided to become firmly identified with those choices. You have forgotten that it is YOU who chose - consciousness that chose. All these relativities live within your consciousness. Now draw another two columns - one that says, “I like …..” and the other that says, “I do not like….” and another one that says, “I can and will ….. and another one that says, “I can’t and won’t….”

The more constricted, determined and limited you have decided to be, is now consciousness has become firmly convinced and ensnared in the false idea that this is you. You become identified with the relative truths of what you chose to be, instead of knowing that it is YOU that chose these relative truths. This relative truth of identity can become constricted, rigid, determined - a prison in which you live. Or these relative truths can be recognized and seen as fluid, changing, within your control. Perhaps there are actual physical limitations, but they do not define you.

Consider your columns again. Take one thing you like and one thing you don’t like. Why? Who says? Can you be open to liking something you don’t like? Can you see more deeply, be more open, flexible, curious? Have you identified yourself as a “victim,” through many self-defeating, self limiting beliefs about yourself? Have you identified yourself as a “perpetrator,” through attacking and blaming beliefs about others? Will you live the rest of your life identified with this limitation to who you really are, which is infinite with infinite options and possibilities in awareness. Or will you start noticing the dualities by which you live and start opening up to a more expansive, relaxed consideration of who you are? What are the beliefs and qualities of living within a small constricted set of dualistic beliefs about yourself? What are the qualities of knowing yourself as Consciousness itself, having this limited human experience. How limited do you want your human experience to be? Are you fully entranced, captured and worshipping of your relative identity, made up by you? Or will you learn to know yourself as Consciousness and be in allegiance to the All. Can you shift your black and white mentality to a both/and mentality. Where are you self defeating, self limiting and caught in the prison cell of your own making? What are the qualities and Knowing of Absolute Consciousness that is not trapped in duality, but can enjoy the duality of creation in freedom from identitification with it, as Absolute Truth and Love. Are you identified with the relative or with the Absolute?

Victim Behavior - Read here

Beliefs of Shame - Read here

What will other People think?

Finding Alternative Thoughts

How to heal the splits caused by dualistic thinking

Read this translation of Charisse’s latest sacred hymn and see if you can hear the profound message of healing and integration that is being taught and given to you as a direct transmission from Spirit - read it as many times as you need to, to understand, integrate and absorb this teaching into your soul

You are the Egg of Brahman, 

the seed child of God,

a tiny drop of the Whole, 

a drop of the Eminence of Spirit…..

in the Breath within. 

You are also all that is of the earth (ego). 

Its judgements, its fear, its criticisms, 

its achievements, 

its needing to have more……

to be more.  

The not you, 

has divided you,

from the All of you,

Leaving you to live running away from yourself

Afraid of what you might see,

what you might feel. 

To purify all that is of the earth……

you need only to find the Breath of Eminence within. 

Purity is found in Thou.

Through the Breath of Eminence…..

the Thou in you. 

That which belongs to the earth (ego), 

has divided you from your Self.  

Causing you to fear that you are irreparably…..

crippled and unchaste. 

What is divided, 

Must be brought together. 

Unified through this inner purity…..

in the Breath of God. 

In the flowing Breath of God, 

free yourself of all that is of the earth.

Liberate your Self……

in the sacrifice of the self. 

In Breath, are the teachings of that which is blessed. 

The blessed holds the Breath that is…..

the messenger of God. 

Give this Breath, to all of the earth that has caused you shame. 

For Breath, is the shoulder of an ox

That can bear the weight……

of all you carry. 

Trust in this Eternal support, 

As it is the God in you. 

With a desire to purify, 

Bring your earthly pollutions…..

to this Truest Self. 

Purity is found in Thou.

Through the Breath of Eminence…..

the Thou in you. 

To turn away from this command, 

Only protects this division, 

Only protects…..

the inner fool. 

To be afraid of this command, 

You condemn yourself to live 

exhausted and choked off…..

forsaking the Holy Purpose within. 

The Breath is as the Holy Water of Consciousness. 

Bring the empty blockhead of your ego, 

Immerse your self.

For it is here the emptiness will be filled…..

with delight and tranquility.

Purity is found in Thou.

Through the Breath of Eminence…..

the Thou in you. 

In the Holy Water of Breath, 

True protection will come 

from sowing the seeds of love…..

In the empty cavity of division. 

In your division, your identity is that of

A cheat, a rogue, a hypocrite, and …..

you are crippled by its suffering. 

Feel the heat of the burning of your crippling. 

Its mischief, Its malice, its injury.

See how you have lived as the bit of a bridle. 

See instead that you are the Water of Consciousness…..

found in its Holy Breath. 

Stop living in defensiveness of your ego. 

See that to live this way is like having a thick layer of scum 

Over the surface of your True Eminence. 

Free your self from living in torment……

through the Eminence of Thou. 

Leap beyond time, 

to the timelessness of Eternity. 

Where you will see that the emptiness is filled

With the Holy Water of Eternity. 

Beg to loosen yourself from torment

And drown in the Water of Triumph…..

over all of earth’s trappings. 

With undaunted courage…..

free the body of its earth. 


Compassion Group Notes - March 2023


Compassion Group Notes - January 2023