February 2022 - Compassion Group Notes


Watch this remarkable interview … it is so inspiring! And the book is my recommendation for the new year.

Time is of the Essence

Time is of the essence, from the essence. All that is time bound in matter springs from the Essential in waves of glorious creation. To realize this within yourself is the meaning of life, so that you can give glory, worship, reverence and live in joy. To attain this is to understand that Time is of the Essence - there is not a moment to waste in waking up to yourSelf.

“Behold, the body includes and is the meaning, the main concern, and includes and is the soul,” ~Walt Whitman

“The Seeing is the Shift.” ~Charisse Lyons

Consider what this means. Only when you see have you turned your eye inward instead of being externally determined and dependent. You have shifted perspective and focus in awareness and have become part of a cosmic shift in consciousness from blaming to self-knowledge. Turn your eye inward and start “seeing,” instead of “fleeing” from yourself. Let the outer shell of defenses crack and get to the heart of the matter within.

“Hit” by a feeling?

No, you are never hit by a feeling. This shows the misperception of the feeling being caused by something external. It is also perpetration and blaming of the inner child who is showing you an old feeling. You create your own feelings, by your own interpretation and meaning of what is happening to you. And the interpretation of anything meaning anything about you at all is a misperception and misattribution. You are not the cause and you are not the meaning of other peoples actions. Listen to your language - when you were little it probably felt as if you were being hit and there was a feeling hit, created by the meaning you made of the external behavior of someone else. You were not just an external passive victim, you were an active internal participant as a child in the meaning making. This you can change now. Whatever happened, it was not your fault and you are not bad because of it.

Having feelings is “falling apart?” or “reconnecting” to 4?

Allowing yourself to know and express feelings is a reconciliation with that which has been repressed and denied. It is unity when you bring loving, non-judgmental presence and acceptance to your feelings. Being separated from our feelings is the falling apart from ourself. It happened a long time ago. Your work now is the work of reconciliation with that which you have denied and judged.


Where is God in “all this?”

“You are not a drop in the ocean; you are the entire ocean in a drop.” ~Rumi

Well actually, “all this,” is held in the loving embrace of God and you are a drop of the ocean of God. There is nothing but God. Your suffering is just the human container of God - the lemon peel. You are not the lemon peel - you are surrounded by God and God is within you too, permeating your entire physicality. Shift your attention and wake up! Or think of your physical life as an earthen pitcher, full of the water from the ocean. When the pitcher breaks the water will just run back into the ocean, but it will have been informed by physical life and individuality and so you will be both one with the ocean and still retain your identity.

Road Map to Awareness

Questions to ask yourself to become aware - Read here

Questions that you have asked

I have a question that comes out of our Inner Turning session in December, and I would so appreciate it if you could answer my question. I heard you make this comment during that session: “Often what we say and do is out of self-interest rather than love.” Would you define “love” for me?

Love cannot be defined. That is like trying to define God. It is without limit. It is your spiritual DNA. It is what you ARE essentially, eternally and infinitely. (See the reading before this one!) However, one little thread to pull on, is recognizing that love is the absence of self interest. If you ARE love, then you do not need anything from anyone. It would be like saying the air needs oxygen, or water needs water.... or the sun needs warmth - the revelation of yourself as that from which you originate means you have met your every need and the world cannot touch you with it's cruelty. And like the sun you shine on everyone without discrimination - you pour out your warmth not because you want to, but because it is your very nature to shine. I think this is a start. We cannot say what love is - language cannot capture it - we know it by what it is NOT. AND, inherent in love is limit. If you cannot receive it, you will not benefit from it. If you keep hiding in a dark room, then you cannot see the sun or benefit from it. The dark room is our preoccupation with our selves and what we think we lack.

You said, “Inherent in love is limit.” Could you say something about what this means?

If you do not live in love, you live in unaware shame and fear. Then you will choose ways of being that will result in destruction, one way or another. The consequence of choice in unawareness is the limit. So if I say to you, in love, stop harboring resentment in your heart towards your sister-in-law, because it will bring more harm to you and the family, and you disobey what is loving, you will suffer the consequences of what your resentment creates. This is the wheel of fate in the West, or Karma in the east. You create your own karma by not living in complete submission to THE LAW of Love.

It is a very difficult thing to attain. For instance with Renee, you have to see her deep suffering, you have to have true compassion for that suffering. You have to recognize her as a face of God that has not yet come to awareness. You have to recognize what deep suffering in you gets activated and bring compassion to yourself. You have to have a deep understanding of how you are both the same and what caused the inner shame. You have to set inner limits with yourself that you will not allow others to treat you badly and you will not treat them badly either in thought, word or deed. You have to give up expectation and energy on the external, which is an attempt to control and focus all energy internally.

This is a process you can follow perfectly and still not have your awareness be in alignment with the Consciousness of God for both of you. All I can give you is a map, but essentially you have to be in union with your God and be fully obedient to Love and Truth. Whenever you do not, you get a consequence - this is the limit of love. Love will "tolerate" nothing that is not love. The entire system of creation has an inherent limit - live in accordance with love or you will suffer and you will suffer the consequences of everyone else's blindness too, because essentially, all humans are ONE - they are the many faces of the ONE evolving into the fulll realization and revelation of who they actually are.


March 2022 - Compassion Group Notes


January 2022 - Compassion Group Notes