Compassion Group Notes - July 2022

Heart Meditation /Prayer

 Universal Source of my inner being,
      Help me always to remember that 
          I am
                     the Great Heart of compassion
                                connected to you, 
                             The Infinite Spirit of Love.
I vow today and always,
To enfold past suffering 
that emerges in the moment 
into my eternal and ever-present heart;
To bring all shame and hurt
 into the warm and loving embrace of my heart;
To bring the courage of my heart to my fear;
To find the wisdom of my heart to correct false understandings;
And the discipline of my will
 to bring into alignment with my heart, all decisions and choices.
Help me remember that this is my work to do
so that I do not expect others 
        To meet my needs, 
            hold my feelings, 
                     correct my beliefs 
                               discipline my behavior.


For more … Read here

What a beautiful reminder to wear a symbol of the opening of the third eye of wisdom on your forehead every day of your life. The word Bindu refers to the dot at the center of the mandala. Look up the meaning of mandalas and draw your own. What would you put at the center?


“Do Not Change for Others - Oprah Winfrey

And then read:

What about this man stands out to you? Puzzles you? How do you understand someone like this? What, in the article was a teaching for you?


Compassion Group Notes - August 2022


June 2022 - Compassion Group Notes