April 2022 - Compassion Group Notes

I AM, home to all within

You are the Holy Grail, the crucible, the essential purity of love that can hold all your human suffering with dignity, grace and truth - i.e. in your consciousness. This is what you are infinitely. Hold the finite with compassion and wisdom. You are the Home you are seeking. You are the one in the One, in the ONE. (ego, Soul, Spirit) You are the Trinity - make it HOLY.

In Christ Consciousness, you are the gold (consciousness) that holds divine truth (bread) and divine love (wine). You are this and you can bring this to the finite experience of life and live a life that is sacramental (in accordance with the SACRED). ~Lyndall Johnson

Exercise in Compassion - Animal Story

Do you remember reading books like “Bambi,” “Old Yeller,” “Where the Red Fern Grows,” “Rascal,” when you were a child? Do you remember so over-identifying with the animal that you were distraught and cried?

I remember when I read “Old Yeller,” by the author Fred Gipson. As a small child, in what was then Southern Rhodesia, my father took me to the American Embassy library to get me educated in American literature. In a British colony the local library was filled with only British literature!

For more … read here

“Food for Thought”

Consider this very common saying in the vernacular of our times, of “That’s food for thought.” It is a reflection of the stage of development of humanity that lives in the head. Consider a beautiful buffet and all you could do is look and see and think about eating it.

This is unfortunately what most people do with the sacred teachings of the world. They listen, look and think about them. But they do not chew on it, swallow it, digest and assimilate the meal into themselves. And until you do, you will live in your ego, thinking about the ideals, vision, aspirations and potential of the soul, but it cannot be realized.

The War

There is only one country at war and that is Russia. The Ukraine is merely attempting to protect itself from annihilation. It is an archetypal world event of massive proportions. It is the projection of the inner perpetrator and victim in each one of us being played out on a massive scale of horror…. each of us contributes to this in the small ways in which we are still both victim and perpetrator within our own dynamic and relationship with ourselves. The world community is really just ONE in 7 billion forms. Each of us plays a part in the big picture of what happens in the world. This is a different kind of buffet for you to feast on. Find each of the players in this war inside of yourself. Examine the dynamics carefully… find your Putin. Find your inner victim that has no voice, lives in denial, minimizes what you do to yourself and puts up with abuse from you. Find your inner Zelenski that has integrity, courage and speaks truth in love. Do not think about the external war - find the war within and become an actual peace-maker within so that you contribute to changing the whole.


May 2022 - Compassion Group Notes


March 2022 - Compassion Group Notes