November 2021- Compassion Group Notes

Spiritual Practice of “Not Knowing”

The Tao

To Know Not-Knowing,

To Know that one does not Know,

To Know that there is a Limit

To what one knows,

This is True and Highest Knowledge.

To deny True Knowledge,

To deny Truth,

Is an Illness.

If this is seen for what it is,

And treated as an Illness,

It can be cured.

The Taoist sees Illness as Illness,

And is healthy.

~John Minford translation

Read “The Fairy Tale of Sadness” by Inge With

Evolving? Very, very slowly, maybe….

Lazy or Hardworking?

I have come to the conclusion that almost no one on earth is lazy.The truth is that the man you call lazy just doesn’t want to do your kind of work; he wants to do his kind. ~Bertha Damon

            I love this quote.  People call other people names and label them as a way of trying to coerce and control them into certain behaviors. Compliments, too, are very often not affirming of who we really are but ways people use to attempt to control our behavior. While lazy is a putdown in our culture, being called hardworking is considered a compliment. And yet I see people all around me neglecting their families and their own mental and physical health to live up to the expectation of the corporation and others to “work hard.”  They are driven and compelled. They are externally focused and referenced - controlled by the opinions of others.

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“If you are hard working in the external world, make sure you are as hard-working internally. Hard work externally to avoid the inner work is sloth. If you are lazy externally, it is because you are internally lazy.” ~Lyndall Johnson

 Meditation on Primordial Sound

All language is the fragmentation of primeval sounds or vibrations into discrete parts, so that meaning, and principle can be expressed in specifics and details. Language represents the building blocks of the blueprint (vibration) that is created from the infinite Source of Silence.

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December 2021- Compassion Group Notes


Compassion/Tonglen Groups